Kenova 'exemplar' of a victim-focused investigation - review concludes

An independent review of Kenova has returned a glowing report on the set-up of the operation.

Human Rights specialist, Alyson Kilpatrick BL has published her final report examining the article 2 European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) compliance of Kenova.

She was given unrestricted access to the investigation team, as well as families, victims groups and stakeholders in order to deliver a full independent review of the positives and negative aspects of Kenova.

In a covering letter for the report, she said: "Every person I met within Kenova was incredibly welcoming, clearly receiving my review as a positive opportunity to demonstrate transparency in their work. They should be proud of what they are doing and the high regard in which they are held by all who have dealt with them.

"While I am frustrated to not be able to improve on Kenova – a lawyer never likes to admit that - I am delighted to be able to reassure you that from a human rights perspective, Kenova really is an exemplar of what such an investigation can and should be. It is the best I have seen in all of my experience. That was not, I know, achieved by chance or without enormous effort. I appreciate the continuing efforts that are required and pressures you will face but at least you can be confident that the efforts have been worth it.

"On a final note, I know the families with whom I met would want me to tell you how important your work is to them. You have restored dignity, hope, trust and comfort to a very many people who have been deprived of it for decades. It was a great privilege and pleasure to meet every one of them. They made an impression that will stay with me."

The review follows two interim reports:

First interim report into Article 2 ECHR - published February 2020

Second interim report into Article 2 ECHR - published in January 2021

You can read the full Independent Review of Article 2 ECHR here - published September 2021

Ms Kilpatrick has recently been appointed as the new chief commissioner of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission.

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